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Igniting the Flame Within
My Twin Flame Story to Union
If you are reading this right now you have been guided here by a higher power for a reason. Nothing in life is a coincidence. Now I must warn you, this is a love story told like no other. This is not just a love story to finding your soulmate or twin flame, but the path back to finding yourself and the love within.
The truth is, if you can’t love yourself, who can love you in the way that you deserve to be loved?
Igniting the Flame Within
Guide to Healing
This is my personal step-by-step guide to how I found the love within, healed myself on an energetic soul level, and took back the power and control of my life. For those of you who don’t know me, I experienced a kundalini spiritual awakening when I hugged someone. My entire life changed after that thirty-second hug. I found myself feeling as if I had gone crazy. No one I spoke to understood what was happening to me. I was depressed, spiraling into the dark night of the soul. I felt alone, lost, and confused.